Fiction Search


Tired of Searching manually for your fics?: We got you covered, because in FictionSearch, you will only have to search 1 time, and get results across the 3 major platforms, to scratch that fic itch.

Frustrated because you cannot find that one great fic you read years ago?: No worries, with FictionSearch Save Feature, you will be able to save your search history and search results, to browse when you need them!

Are you not sure what you want to read, you just know that you wanna read something?: easy, just look at the pairings suggestions or trending pairings.

3 Lines for 3 Sites

FictionSearch Logo Heroshot
The 3 Lines represents the 3 pages it will work on.

AsianFanfics, Archieve of our own & Wattpad

On Development

We are currently working in FictionSearch to make this a reality, Interested in what we offer?